Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Profile Riau Province

Riau province geographically , geoekonomi and geopolitical sits astride a very strategic good in the present and in the future because it lies in the path of regional and international trade in the ASEAN region through cooperation and IMS IMT - GT - GT .
The province has an area of ​​107,932.71 km with a land area of ​​89,150.15 km ² or 80.11 % and the vast sea of ​​18782.56 km ² or 19.89 % . With a total area of Riau above consists of many islands either already named or not named .

Its presence stretches from the slopes of Bukit Barisan to the South China Sea , is located between 1o 15 ' South latitude to 4o 45 ' North latitude or antara100o 03 ' - 109o 19 ' East Longitude Greenwich and 6o 50 ' - 1o 45 ' Longitude West Jakarta , bordering directly with 4 ( four ) other Province namely North Sumatra , West Sumatra , Jambi and Riau Islands .
The administration consists of 10 districts and 2 cities , which involves a series of 155 Districts, 1,654 Village / Country . The district is Singingi Kuantan , Indragiri Hulu , Indragiri Hilir , Pelalawan , Siak , Kampar , Rokan Hulu , Bengkalis , Rokan Hilir and Meranti Islands ) and 2 cities of Pekanbaru and Dumai .
In inland areas there are 15 rivers , of which there are 4 ( four ) streams that can digunakansebagai transportation infrastructure , namely the Siak River ( 300 km ) with kedalamam 8-12 m , Rokan River ( 400 km ) with a depth of 6-8 m , Kampar River ( 400 km ) with a depth of approximately 6 m and Indragiri River ( 500 km ) with a depth of 6-8 m . The rivers divide of the Bukit Barisan mountain highlands and empties into the Strait of Malacca and the China Sea .
Riau area boundaries are :

Northern borders the Strait of Malacca and the North Sumatera Province
South side berbatasa nBy Jambi and West Sumatra Province
Bordering the west side of West Sumatra Province
East with Riau Islands Province and the Strait of Malacca
The total population according to the Census Riau Province Population ( SP ) in 2010 which was conducted in May 2010 was 5,538,367 people, comprising of 2,853,168 souls of men and 2,685,199 women's lives . While many households are there in Riau Province in 2010 recorded 1,328,461 households with an average population of 4 persons per household .

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