The realization of the people's life Maluku harmonious, secure, peaceful and prosperous, within the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, supported by citizens who fear Him, to have a sense of love and morality, conscience and environmental laws, and has a high work ethic.
In order to realize the vision of a future society entered the Moluccas in the era of globalization and autonomy, defined the mission as follows:
The creation of a safe condition , peaceful , and serene tertb in society , nation and state .
Increased appreciation and practice of religion to realize the quality of faith and devotion to God Almighty in daily life and well being umatberagama brotherhood , morality , tolerance , harmony and peace
Rule of law and human rights that guarantees the order of the society based on justice and truth . In this connection , law enforcement officials will be increased in both quantity and quality , in addition to the local legal order mengefekbfkan like- Sasi and the like .
Pemberclapan entire clan society of economic power , especially small businesses , medium enterprises and cooperatives to develop a democratic economic system based on fair market humanism , promoting regional development in an integrated , sustainable and environmentally sound natural resource-based clan productive human resources , independent, advanced , competitive clan . In this connection , will be enhanced role of financial institutions dalarn order to encourage investment meialui promotion of people's savings .
Pernanfaatan various specific areas of potential natural resources as optimally as possible by encouraging the development of local entrepreneurs both dalarn meeting the needs of capital ( investment ) and in open access dalarn kompetsi global markets both nationally , regionally , and internationally .
Strengthening the implementation of regional autonomy based laws which shall apply to speeding the development of local clan resolve various issues related to the impact of social conflict dalarn society, clan berbanga state.
Improving the quality of local government apparatus to provide optimal service to the community , professional , efficient, productive , transparent , democratic and free from corruption , collusion and nepotism .
Marked increase social welfare by increasing the quality of life that is feasible and useful as well as increased community resilience and community agencies dalarn various aspects of life that gradually have endurance , self-reliance , the ability to turn themselves, their families and the environment .
Wirn education system and the creation of a democratic and quality at all levels, especially at universities, in order to improve the work ethic and competitiveness, creative, innovative, insightful nationality, intelligent, healthy, disciplined and responsible as well as the master of science and technology in order develop quality human resources.
The creation of social and cultural life of the people with personality, dynamic, creative and berdayatahan to the effects of globalization.
The realization of the people's life Maluku harmonious, secure, peaceful and prosperous, within the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, supported by citizens who fear Him, to have a sense of love and morality, conscience and environmental laws, and has a high work ethic.
In order to realize the vision of a future society entered the Moluccas in the era of globalization and autonomy, defined the mission as follows:
1 The creation of a safe condition , peaceful , and serene tertb in society , nation and state .2 Increased appreciation and practice of religion to realize the quality of faith and devotion to God Almighty in daily life and well being umatberagama brotherhood , morality , tolerance , harmony and peace3 Enforcement of law and human rights that guarantees the order of the society based on justice and truth . In this connection , law enforcement officials will be increased in both quantity and quality , in addition to the local legal order mengefekbfkan like- Sasi and the like .4 Pemberclapan entire clan society of economic power , especially small businesses , medium enterprises and cooperatives to develop a democratic economic system based on fair market humanism , promoting regional development in an integrated , sustainable and environmentally sound natural resource-based clan productive human resources , independent, advanced , competitive clan . In this connection , will be enhanced role of financial institutions dalarn order to encourage investment meialui promotion of people's savings .
5 Pernanfaatan various specific areas of potential natural resources as optimally as possible by encouraging the development of local entrepreneurs both dalarn meeting the needs of capital (investment) and in open access dalarn kompetsi global markets both nationally, regionally, and internationally.
6 Strengthening the implementation of regional autonomy based laws which shall apply to speeding the development of local clan resolve various issues related to the impact of social conflict dalarn society, clan berbanga state.
7 Improving the quality of local government apparatus to provide optimal service to the community, professional, efficient, productive, transparent, democratic and free from corruption, collusion and nepotism.
8 Increased welfare society marked by increasing the quality of life feasible and useful as well as increased community resilience and community agencies dalarn various aspects of life that gradually have endurance, self-reliance, the ability to turn themselves, their families and the environment.
9 Creation Wirn system and democratic education and quality at all levels, especially at universities, in order to improve the work ethic and competitiveness, creative, innovative, insightful nationality, intelligent, healthy, disciplined and responsible as well as the master of science and technology in order to improve the quality of human resources.
10 The creation of social and cultural life of the people with personality, dynamic, creative and berdayatahan to the effects of globalization.
Tourism Maluku Province
Flow of tourists who come to Maluku has increased, as seen from the number of tourist arrivals reached 1,984 people, compared with 1,235 the previous year, an increase of as much as 60.65 percent.
The number of hotels in 2004 were 107 hotels consisting of 16 units star hotels and budget hotels 91 hotels. Hotel star hotels increased from 13 in 2003 to 16 hotels in 2004, a rise of 23.08 percent in 2004. 2004 occupancy rate reached 33.66 percent and five-star non-star
reached 19.48 percent.
Social Culture of Maluku Province Maluku tribes dominated by ethnic Melanesian Pacific, which was allied with Fiji, Tonga, and some island nations scattered islands of the Pacific Ocean.
Many strong evidence that refers to the tradition that Maluku has ties with the nations of the Pacific islands, such as language, folk songs, food, household appliances and tools and musical instruments typical, example: ukulele (which is contained in the cultural traditions of Hawaii).
They generally have dark skin, curly hair, big skeleton, and a more athletic body profile compared with other ethnic groups in Indonesia, because they are ethnic islands where marine activities such as sailing and swimming are the main activity for men.
In today's modern masses, many of those who already have mix blood with other tribes, marriage by Minahasa tribe, Sumatra, Java, with the Europeans (mostly Dutch) has been prevalent in the modern masses, and gave birth to new breeds, which Melanesian race is no longer pure. Some tribes are located in Maluku, including; Ambonese, Lumoli tribe, tribal Nuaulu, and Rana clan.
Before the Portuguese set foot in Ternate (in 1512), the Malay language has existed in the Moluccas and used as the language of commerce. Ambonese Malay Malay ternate different because in ancient times tribes in Ambon and which certainly influenced the development of Ambonese Malay is very different from the existing tribes in Ternate. Each of these forms of Malay society has an important role in Maluku as the basis for the national language. Familiar folk songs sung by the people, ie Sarinande and parrot.
If in detail based on religious affiliation, the general population is Muslim Maluku province as many as 780 579 people, 399 879 people Christians, Catholics 95,201 people, 2,619 people Hindu, Buddhist 461 people, 221 people Confucianism, and others 135 people. The number of places of worship, including mosques as many as 1,028 pieces, 1,130 pieces church, temple 13 pieces, and the monastery of 5 pieces. Despite having a different religion, but religious harmony maintained.
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