Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Profile of Riau Islands Province

Riau Province geographical, and geopolitical geoekonomi sits astride a very strategic good in the present and in the future because it is located on the regional and international trade routes in the ASEAN region through cooperation and IMS IMT-GT-GT.
After pemekaranan region, Riau Province which was once composed of 16 districts / cities now only 11 regencies / cities after the Riau Islands province as of July 1, 2004 officially becomes a province in Indonesia to 32.

Its presence stretches from the slopes of Bukit Barisan to the South China Sea, located between 1a 15A ° '° South latitude to 4A 45A' North latitude or between 100A-109A ° ° 03Â' 19a 'Longitude East of Greenwich and 6A-1A ° ° 50Â' 45A 'Longitude West Jakarta.
Riau Province before it was divided into 2 (two) have province wide 235 306 km2, or 71.33 percent of the ocean is an area of ​​94561.61 km2, or only 28.67 percent of the land area.
In inland areas there are 15 rivers including 4 rivers of significant importance as a means of transportation such as:
a) the Siak River (300 km) with a depth of 8-12 m b) Rokan River (400 km) with a depth of 6-8 m c) Kampar River (400 km) with a depth of about 6 m d) Indragiri River (500 km) with a depth of about 6-8 m.
The fourth river that divides the mainland from the high mountains of the Bukit Barisan empties into the Strait of Malacca and the South China Sea was influenced by ocean tides.
Riau area boundaries are:
a) North: Singapore Strait and the Strait of Malacca b) South side: Jambi and the Strait of Idolatry c) East: South China Sea d) West side: West Sumatra and North Sumatra Province
B. Climate and Rainfall
Riau wet tropical climate with average rainfall ranging between 2000-3000 mm / year which is affected by the dry season and the rainy season. Average rainfall per year is about 160 days.
According to the Meteorological Statiun Simpang Tiga, the average air temperature in the city of Pekanbaru showed optimum at 27.6 Â ° Celsius in the interval from 23.4 to 33.4 Â ° Celsius. Genesis recorded fog occurs at least 39 times during August and an average of 6 times a month reached the highest occurrence of events.
Realization of Riau Province as the Center for Economic and Malay Culture in the Public Environment Religious, physical and spiritual prosperity, in Southeast Asia 2020
To give a real picture as a translation of County Development Vision 2020, it is necessary to vision between the 5-year vision for the period that each stage of the medium-term development can be achieved in accordance with the conditions, capabilities and expectations set by the development of performance measures. For it was in 2004 - 2008 to the future as a fragment of a second five-year Strategic Plan Riau Stage One year period 2001 - 2003 in order to realize Vision 2020 County Development sustainably and consistently, then the vision formulated as follows:
The realization of the Economic Development Poverty Eradication, Development Education Guaranteeing religious Community Life and Ease of accessibility, and the Cultural Development of Malay Culture in Proportional Placing the Empowerment Framework. MISSION REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT
To realize the Vision Development Riau Province during the period 2004 - 2008, as the second stage in the realization of Vision 2020 Development Riau, the Riau forward Development Mission conducted based on the commitments set out as follows:
1 Realization of Local Government credibility with professional ability, moral and exemplary leaders and officials (reinventing government); 2 Realization of Rule of Law (Law Enforcement) and the enforcement of human rights; 3 The realization of balanced development among regions (a spread of development equilibrium between the region); 4 Realization of the resource potential of the area-based economy and a populist economic empowerment (empowerment of economic society); 5 Realization of facilities and infrastructure to create a life of religious communities. 6 Realization of the quality of human resources with emphasis on ease of access to education, quality improvement and management of primary, secondary, vocational, and higher education, the ease of obtaining quality health care, as well as the development of religion, art and culture and moral (human resources development); 7 The realization of the ease to access in the field of transportation, production, communication and information and public services (accessibility on infrastructure and public service); 8 Realization of an umbrella regional culture, namely the continuity of Malay culture in terms of community empowerment

Social Cultural Riau Islands Province As a province which borders with neighboring countries and international trade is on track, since time immemorial ongoing assimilation and fusion of cultures. The province is inhabited by 17 tribes, each of Sumatra and Kalimantan Malay, Minang, Javanese, Bugis, Batak, Sundanese, Acehnese, Balinese, Madurese, Nias, Flores, Dayak, Papua, Betawi, Ambon, and China.
Ethnic diversity brings a wealth of local languages. There are 10 language used as a means of communication there, each Malay, Minang, Javanese, Bugis, Batak, Sundanese, Aceh, Bali, Madura, Minang, and Nias. In this province, the percentage of the adult population can read and write Latin letters reached 96.0%.
Tourism Riau Islands Province Riau Islands Province is the second foreign tourist gateway after the island of Bali. The number of foreign tourists amounted to 1.5 million people in 2005. Attractions in Riau Islands province include the beach resort located in various districts and cities. Melur Beach and Beach Nongsa in Batam, Belawan in Karimun Beach, Beach Bintan, Tanjung rafting, Trikora Beach and Leisure Park in Bintan Bintan. Natuna Regency is famous for baharinya like snorkeling tour.
In addition to coastal and marine travel, Riau Islands Province also has other attractions such as cultural heritage, historic tombs, traditional dances and events typical of the region. In the city there Tanjungpinang stinger island as a historic island in the island because there are mosques and historic tombs and Raja Raja Haji Ali Haji fisabilillah which is both a national hero.

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