Jambi province officially became a province in 1958 in accordance with Law no . 61 of 1958 dated 25 June 1958 . Jambi province is located between 2A 0A ¹ º º 45A 45A and 101A LS º ¹ ¹ 0a - 55 º BT 104A , located in the middle of the Sumatran island stretching along the east coast to the west , with an area of : " : the whole territory 53.435.72 km ²
 » The area of 53.43 km2 region » The surface area of 51,000 km2 » The area of 425.5 km2 sea » Long beach 185 miles
Jambi province is located on the East Coast of Sumatra Island dealing with the South China Sea and the Pacific Ocean , the International traffic flow and geographic Regional.Secara Jambi Province is located between 0 º 45 ™ " 2O ™ Latitude 45 South between 101 O 10 104O 44 ™ east longitude , broad region of Jambi province 53435.72 Km2 .. a land area of 51,000 km2 , 425.5 km2 and a sea area 185 km long beach .
Region boundaries of Jambi province is as follows :
» North Side with Riau Province
» South side with the South Sumatra Province
» Next to the West with West Sumatra
» East of the South China Sea
Jambi province is included in the triangle area of growth Indonesia-Malaysia - Singapore ( IMS - GT ) . Jambi mileage to Singapore via Batam sea lanes by using a fast boat ( jet - foil ) ± 5 hours .
In Jambi province is the location of the impact area of a triangle increased economic growth due to Spill Over Effect of three Sibajo and cooperation IMS " GT .
administrative Governance
With the expansion of the Regency as Law. 54 , 1999 . Jambi province is divided into 9 districts and 1 town .
District 9 and 1 City :
Kerinci , capital city Full River
Sarolangun , capital Sarolangun
Merangin District , the capital Bangko
Bungo , Muara Bungo capital
Kbupaten Tebo , capital Muara Tebo
Batang district , capital Estuary Bulian
Muara Jambi district , capital Sengeti
West Tanjung Jabung , capital Kuala Tungkal
Regency Tanjung Jabung , capital Muara Sabak
City of Edinburgh which is also the capital of Jambi province
» 60 District of definitive» 7 Kecamtan Representative» 1,036 Village» 102 Village
Preparing for Regional Autonomy
The steps that have been prepared include :
Through the establishment of District 5 and 1 city into 9 districts and one city , where in the District Redistricting has created new institutions .
Institutional Arrangement by establishing autonomous agencies which is the integration of vertical institutions are abolished , among others, the establishment ;
Opera- and Communication Department ,
Department of Social Welfare ,
Department of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises ,
Department of Tourism , Arts and Culture ,
Department of Transmigration ,
Research and Development Agency ,
Formation as well as the Bureau of Women's Role Setda Jambi .
Settling the placement of personnel through job analysis process based on expertise and organizational needs .
Improving the quality of human resources through education and training , either structural , technical and functional .
PAD inventory of objects that have not been tapped and streamline existing levies .
Meng - inventory assets of vertical institutions that have been and will be liquidated , process the ownership status of the central government to local government .
The rainy season in Jambi Province from November to March and the dry season from May to October . A bertype climate Jambi province ( Schmidt and Ferguson ) with an average rainfall of 1,900 " 3,200 mm / year and the average rainfall is 116 " 154 days a year . The maximum temperature of 31 degrees cescius .
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