Tuesday 31 December 2013

Profile province South Sulawesi Province

GENERAL CONDITIONSGEOGRAPHY :Location of South Sulawesi region 0o12 ' - 8 ' south latitude and 116o48 ' - 122o36 ' east longitude bounded Northern West Sulawesi , East of Bone Bay and Southeast Sulawesi , Makassar Strait West side , South side Flores Sea .Broad region of South Sulawesi 46717.48 km2 Population 2009 ¬ + 8.3 Million People and consists of 24 districts / cities are 21 districts and 3 municipalities that have 4 local tribes namely Bugis , Makassar , Mandar and Toraja .

VISION AND MISSION SOUTH SULAWESI 2008 - 2013VISION :" As South Sulawesi Province Ten Best In Fulfillment of Basic Rights "MISSION :

Improving the Quality of Primary Care for People 's Rights ;
Accelerating rate and Equity Welfare Improvement Through Community -Based Economic Empowerment ;
Local Excellence Brought To Trigger Rate of Economic Growth ;
Create a favorable climate for Innovative Life ;
Strengthening the Institutional In the embodiment of Good Governance .
CONDITION OF SOUTH SULAWESIECONOMIC CONDITIONS :Sulawesi economy grew 7.78 percent in 2008 and grew by 6.20 percent in 2009 , or 7.34 percent ( without nickel ) ;Economic Growth First Quarter of 2010 and is estimated to reach 7.77 percent in the second quarter reached 8.02 percent ;GDP in 2009 ( ADHK ) 47.31 trillion and Rp 99.90 trillion ( ADHB ) ;Per capita income of USD 12.63 million in 2009 .SOCIAL CONDITIONS :Human Development Index ( HDI ) South Sulawesi in 2008 reached 70.22 ;Life Expectancy 69.60 in 2008 ;Poor population of 12.31 percent in 2009 , amounting to 963.6 thousand ;Unemployment rate of 8.90 percent in 2009 , amounting to 296 559 people .

1 . Free education for elementary student s / d junior
2 . Free Health
3 . Achievement Program 2,100,000 Tons of Surplus Rice and Corn Production Achievement 1.575.000 Ton
4 . Movement Achievement 1 Million Tail Cattle Population
5 . Recovery Movement and Quality Cocoa Production 300,000 Tons
6 . Forest Plantation Development Movement 25.962 Ha
7 . Formation of Unity Forest Management Area
8 . National Movement for Forest and Land Rehabilitation
9 . Awakening Movement Shrimp and Seaweed 33,200 Tons Tons 759,291.210 . 3000 Indonesian Labor Movement

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