Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Profile area of West Kalimantan Province

West Kalimantan is one of the province in which our beloved country is trying to build in achieving goals for the welfare of its people .Geographic Regions West Kaiamantan1.1 . Location of RegionalWest Kalimantan Province is located in the western part of the island of Borneo , or in the line of latitude 2o08 and 3005 LS and between 108o0 114o10 BT and BT on the map of the earth . Based on the specific geographic location then , West Kalimantan right traversed by the Equator ( 0 ° latitude ) precisely on the city of Pontianak .
Because of the influence of this same location , the West Kalimantan is one of the tropics with temperatures high enough and accompanied by high humidity .Other specific characteristics of that region of West Kalimantan is one of the provinces in Indonesia, which is directly adjacent to a foreign country , namely the State of Sarawak , East Malaysia . Even with this position , the West Kalimantan region is now the only province in Indonesia that has been officially had access road to get in and out of foreign countries . This can happen because between West Kalimantan and Sarawak have an open country road between Pontianak - Entikong - Kuching ( Sarawak , Malaysia ) along approximately 400 km and can be reached about six to eight hour drive .

More boundaries for the province of West Kalimantan are :

North : Sarawak ( Malaysia )
South : the Java Sea & CK
East : East Kalimantan
West : Natuna Sea and Strait Karimata

North of West Kalimantan , there are four districts that directly deal with neighboring countries , namely: Sambas , Sanggau , Sintang and Kapuas Hulu , which runs along the Mountains Kalingkang - Kapuas Hulu .1.2 . Regional extensiveMost of West Kalimantan is a low berdataran land with an area of ​​approximately 146 807 km2 or 7.53 percent of the total Indonesian or 1.13 times the size of the island of Java . The region stretches straight from north to south along more than 600 km and about 850 km from West to East .Judging from the size of the area , including the West Kalimantan province 's fourth largest after the first Irian Jaya ( 421,891 km2 ) , both of East Kalimantan ( 202 440 km2 ) and the third Central Kalimantan ( 152,600 km2 ) .Judging from the wide according to district / city , then the largest is Ketapang ( 35,809 km2 ata 24.39 percent ) followed Kapuas Hulu ( 29 842 km2 or peresen 20:33 ) , and Sintang ( 21 635 km or 14.74 percent ) , while the remaining spread on the 9 ( nine ) districts / cities .1.3 . topography

In general , West Kalimantan land is low-lying and has hundreds of navigable rivers safe when , a little hilly which extend from west to east along the valley of the Kapuas and the Natuna Sea / Strait Karimata . Most of the land area of ​​mixed peat swamp and mangrove forests .
The land area is flanked by two mountain ranges , namely , Mountains Kalingkang / Kapuas Hulu in the North and South Mountains along the border Schwaner in the province of Central Kalimantan .Judging from the soil texture , most of West Kalimantan consists of FMD soil types ( red podsolet yellow ) , which covers the area of ​​about 10.5 million hectares or 17.28 percent of the land area of 14.7 million hectares . Next , the soil OGH ( orgosol , gley and humus ) and Alluvial soil about 2.0 million hectares or 10.29 percent of which lay across the regency , but are mostly found in the coast district .
1.4 . Rivers and Lakes

West Kalimantan is one area that could be dubbed a Thousand Rivers Province . The nickname is aligned with the geographical conditions that have hundreds of large and small rivers which can and often navigable . Several large rivers is still a pulse and the main line for hinterland transportation , although the road infrastructure has been able to reach most of the districts .The major rivers is S. Kapuas , which is also the longest river in Indonesia ( 1,086 km ) , which is along the 942 km are navigable . Other major rivers are : S. Melawi , ( navigable 471 km ) , S. Pawan ( 197 km ) , S. Kendawangan ( 128 km ) , S. Barley ( 135 km ) , S. Sekadau ( 117 km ) , S. Sambas ( 233 km ) , S. Hedgehogs ( 178 km ) .If the rivers are very prominent in number in West Kalimantan , the opposite is happening with the lake . From the lakes there are only two significant . Both of these lakes are Lake and Lake Outside Sentarum I that are in Kapuas Hulu .Lake Sentarum vast 117 500 hectares have sometimes nearly dry in the dry season , as well as the Outer Lake I, which has an area of ​​about 5,400 hectares . Both of these lakes have good potential as a tourist attraction .1.5 . The mountainsInfluenced by a vast lowland , the heights of the mountains are relatively low as well as non-active . The highest mountain is Mount Baturaya in the district. Serawai , Kab . Sintang which has an altitude of 2,278 meters above sea level , far lower than G. Semeru ( East Java , 3,676 meters ) or G. Kerinci ( Jambi , 3,805 meters ) .Lawit mountain located in Kapuas Hulu district. Embaloh Hulu and first known in West Kalimantan , it was only because it has the third highest occupied 1,767 meters high , while the second highest is Mount Batusambung ( Kec. Ambalau ) with a height of up to 1,770 meters .1.6 . The islands

Although a small portion of West Kalimantan region of ocean waters , but Kalbar has dozens of large and small islands ( mostly uninhabited ) are scattered throughout Karimata Strait and Natuna Sea that borders the province of Riau , Sumatra .
Islands such magnitude Karimatan Island and Maya Island , Island Logging , Bawal Island and Island in the Strait Gelam Karimata , Kab . Ketapang . Other major islands include Sea Island , Central Betangin Island , Butung Island , Mosquito Island , and Island Gifts in the district . Pontianak .
Most of these islands , especially in the District . Ketapang is a national park and protected area or conservation .1.7 . Land UseMost of the land area is forest in West Kalimantan ( 42.32 % ) and grasslands / scrub / weeds ( 34.11 % ) . The largest forest area located in Kapuas Hulu area of ​​1,964,491 ha , while the meadow / shrub widest Ketapang District is located in an area of ​​1,374,145 ha . Meanwhile plantation area reached 1,574,855.50 or 10.73 % .Of 14.68 thousand hectares wide West Kalimantan , an area for settlement is only about 0.83 percent . The residential areas are in widest Sintang followed later by Sanggau and Ketapang .Population developmentsThe population of West Kalimantan Province in 2006 was estimated at approximately 4.12 million people ( projected figures ) , of which about 2.11 million people sex men and 2.01 million were women . The total area of 146 807 West Kalimantan Province km2 or larger than the island of Java , West Kalimantan, the population density is only about 28 inhabitants per square kilometer . This is certainly less favorable conditions in order to accelerate the development of the region , especially regarding the management of natural resources ( SDA ) with all the potential and diversity.The spread of West Kalimantan's population is uneven between regions , both among districts / cities , districts , rural / urban , and between coastal villages instead of the beach or the town . For example, the coastal area that includes the District. Sambas district. Bengkayang , Kab . Pontianak , Ketapang , and Singkawang inhabited by nearly 50 per cent of the total population of West Kalimantan with densities reaching 36 more souls . Instead of seven other districts ( not beach ) in addition to the city of Pontianak is the average population density was relatively uncommon . Kapuas Hulu district with an area of ​​29 842 km2 , or about 20.33 percent of the total area occupied West Kalimantan only an average of 7 ( seven ) people per square kilometer , while the extent of Pontianak City is less than one percent ( 107.80 km2 ) inhabited by average of approximately 4729 inhabitants per square kilometer .

Tourism in West Kalimantan ProvinceThe tourism sector in West Kalimantan are classified as potential to develop more advanced . The province has diverse tourism potential , in the form of nature tourism , ecotourism and cultural tourism . Natural attractions which include the natural scenery of the mountains , sea shore , lakes , tropical forests with a variety of flora and fauna , beautiful waterfalls in the Pande and Cascade Kembayung Kanebak , and so on . So also with cultural attractions , the historical background and the diversity of art and culture unique and attractive in West Kalimantan , this area is very potential to attract domestic and foreign tourists . The number of foreign tourists who visited West Kalimantan in 1997 amounted to 52 327 people , while the number of star hotels there are 6 fruit , jasmine following class lodgings totaling 156 pieces , and the number of rooms there are 3,364 pieces .In 1998 , the number of five-star hotel in West Kalimantan , there were six hotels , the number of rooms 584 rooms , while the jasmine -class hotel , there were 157 pieces , with the number of rooms 3,394 pieces . The number of foreign tourists ( wisltan ) who 've been to a tourist attraction in West Kalimantan in 1998 amounted to 211 898 people . They come from ASEAN countries , Asia , and other continents . In detail , the number wisatan originating from ASEAN reached 97 % , which is derived from Asian countries 1.61 % , European countries 0.74 % , and 0.61 % of the American continent .Economic development in ASEAN and Asia Pacific opens great opportunities for West Kalimantan to optimize the economic potential . Just how to build network infrastructure , including transport infrastructure development , roads , and communications networks in West Kalimantan . All of that will help the development of economic centers in West Kalimantan , considering the region has a strategic geographical position to expand the marketing network and inter-provincial and international trade .In addition to the advantageous geographical position , the presence of land transportation and international shipping through the region is good enough opportunity to build economic potential through international cooperation with Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam . Malindo socio-economic - cooperation , which has been started since 1985 , also is an opportunity that can be exploited Kalbar . All that still needs to be developed further by utilizing the comparative advantages already owned West Kalimantan . It will spur the growth of Kalbar be one powerful economic center in the Borneo region . In other words , the tourism sector in West Kalimantan must be laid out and developed in such a way , in order to generate foreign exchange and to boost levies more optimally .

Social Culture of West Kalimantan ProvinceSeeing sociocultural West Kalimantan , we look like a pulsating dynamic mosaic . Just imagine , if there are 164 regional languages ​​, 152 of which language is the language of the Dayak and the remaining 12 subsuku Malay language . The variety of languages ​​spoken by at least 20 tribes or ethnic , three of which are indigenous and tribal remaining 17 entrants . A number of customs still preserved there , especially when the event takes place giving birth , baby warning seven months in the womb , death , planting rice , harvesting , treatment , anisiasi , red bowl . In that regard , the cultural values ​​such as : The spirit of mutual cooperation, religiuslitas , honesty , tolerance , social justice , peace , competition , critical , and knights are still kept in the midst of society .In developing the economic sector , West Kalimantan quite persistent struggling . Unlike the case in the tourism sector . One of the disadvantages of tourism in this province is the lack of suggestions and tourism infrastructure . Of course it is a pity . The potential in the other direction , in fact very large , given the adjacent West Kalimantan exactly with overseas . Because tourism is less popular , the locals are less aware of the industry on this one . This is the second weakness of the tourism industry in West Kalimantan . This condition , far different from the circumstances of Yogyakarta or Bali , where residents are well aware that they can earn a huge foreign exchange from tourism. Looking ahead , the duty of the local government to explore the tourism potentials of the province, for example by developing roads and lodging places around Lake Sentarum to this lake could be the caliber of Lake Toba in North Sumatra . 

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