Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Profile of Banten

Banten province was among 5A ° 7'50 " - 7A ° 1'11 " S and 105A ° 1'11 " - 106A ° '12 " E , with an area of ​​9160.70 km2 . His position as a strategic trade route connecting Sumatra - Java .Banten province was among 5A ° 7'50 " - 7A ° 1'11 " S and 105A ° 1'11 " - 106A ° '12 " E , with an area of ​​9160.70 km2 . His position as a strategic trade route connecting Sumatra - Java .Northern boundary bordering the Java Sea , the West side of the Sunda Strait , as well as in the south bordering the Indian Ocean , so that this region has the potential of marine resources .
While ecosystems Banten basically consists of : North Beach neighborhood which is technically irrigated rice ecosystem and half technical , industrial and residential areas .
Midsection Banten region in the form of irrigation is limited and mixed garden , mostly in the form of rural settlement . The availability of sufficient water with a stable quantity .Banten region around Mount Halim - Kendeng to Malingping , Leuwi - dmar , Bayah mountainous relatively difficult to access , but it holds the potential of natural resources .
Banten West Section ( Saketi , DAS Cidano and complex slopes of Mount Karang - Aseupan and Pulosari until DAS Ciliman - Paandeglang and Attack the West ) that is rich in water potential , an agricultural area that still needs to be improved ( intensifikasikan ) .
Ujung Kulon National Park Conservation as the Javan rhino ( Rhini sondaicus ) .
DAS Cibaliung - Malingping , a water-rich basin but has not been utilized effectively and productively . Around him in the form of undulating hills with mixed garden hue and talun environment , community forests are not very productive .
Banten as the name of a region already known and introduced since the 14th century . At first Bantam is a very busy port stop off and visit the merchant ships of various regions to the Europeans who colonized this nation . In the year 1330 a person already with applicable state at the time called panten , then the area is controlled by Mahapatih Majapaahit under Gajah Mada and Hayam Wuruk King .
At that time the kingdom of Majapahit and the Kingdom of Demak are two biggest powers in the archipelago . Year 1524 - 1525 Muslim traders came to Bantam and then that started the spread of Islam in Banten . About two centuries later the Duchy of Banten stood at Surasowan on October 8, 1526 . In the years 1552 - 1570 Maulana Hasanuddin Panembahan Surasowan became the first Sultan of Banten . Since it began in the Banten sultanate government terminated by Sultan Muhammad Rafi'uddin (1813 - 1820) was the 20th sultan after sultan and the people of the past fought against the invaders . However Bantten people struggle continues until the last second on earth invaders foot Banten .
After entering the time of independence , the willingness of the people to form a province of Banten . The intention of sticking the first time in 1953 and then in 1963 formed the Committee for the Province of Banten in Serang Regency Hall . In a meeting between the DPRD Banten Province Committee - GR agreed to fight for the establishment of Banten Province . On October 25, 1970 Plenary Session of the Great Council of the Presidium of the Central Committee endorsed Banten Banten Province . But apparently struggle to form a separate province of Banten and West Java is not easy and fast . During the period of the New Ordde that desire can not be direalisir.s
In the struggle of the people of Banten Reform Order more persistent since starting to feel the wind of democracy and issues of regional autonomy . On July 18, 1999 held at the Banten Declaration of the People's Square Attack of the Working Committee which then Banten Provincial Committee compiled Basic Guidelines and Recommendations Committee Work Plan and Formation of Banten Province ( UN ) . Since it began to form sub - sub- committee of the UN in various areas in Punjab to strengthen support for the establishment of Banten Province . After a long and exhausting struggle ended on October 4, 2000 Plenary Session of the House of Representatives passed a bill Banten province into Law no . 23 Year 2000 on the Establishment of Banten Province . Then on October 17, 2000 President Abdurrahman Wahid passed Law . 23 of 2000 on the United Nations . A month after it was done on 18 November 2000 inauguration and inauguration Officials Banten Province Governor H. Hakamudin Knopf to run the provincial government while it was before the election of the Governor of Banten definitive . In 2002 the DPRD Banten choose Dr . Ir . Djoko Munandar , MEng and Hj . ATUT Chosiyah as Governor and Deputy Governor of Banten first .
Banten TourismFrom the results of hearings between the Directorate General of Tourism Destination Development with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Banten Provincial Government held at the State House on Tuesday ( 27 / 02 ) revealed that the results of studies / depth studies have been conducted by the Directorate General of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism Destinations turns Banten potential to develop Integrated Tourism which includes tourist Heritage , Tourism and travel Water Stone Park is in District Sajira Lebak . Bantam has a wealth of natural resources and biodiversity are very large and diverse , one of which is fossil wood . Fossil wood is a stone that comes from the tree trunk buried due to sedimentation over millions of years in the soil . The area has a lot of fossil wood pile in Sajira Lebak Banten .
The wealth of natural resources and biodiversity in Banten not yet developed . To generate the cultivation of fossil wood and expand market opportunities it needs to be raised a promotional activity which of course requires a considerable cost . On the other hand the ability of business , especially miners to carry out the promotion is still low , it is necessary for government assistance in facilitating promotional activities .
Tourism activities is one of the event promotion business . However, tourism development requires the establishment of a study that supports the region . It is then led to the support of the Directorate General of Tourism Destination Development Ministry of Culture and Tourism to conduct a study and develop tourist activities and conservation of fossil wood Sajira located in the village of Lebak Banten .
The study results presented by the Director General of Tourism Destination Development Ministry of Culture and Tourism - Sambujo who accompanied a team of consultants from PT . Grahayasa archipelago Estima led Myra Gunawan . Accompanied the Governor of Banten , among others ASDA II - Djohari Hidayat , Head of Culture and Tourism - H. Ranta Suharta , and Head of the Department of Mines and Energy - Ir.Winarjono , CES.MM.
According to the Director General , Tourism area development plan Garden Stone begins with the study and based on the request of either the perpetrator leisure travelers and foreign tourists . Centre in this regard Departmen of Culture and Tourism will facilitate developing of plans between the tourist areas of the local government ( Bantam ) by investors .
Banten Governor in principle welcomed the plan , saying it was important not collide with Karian Reservoir development plans that have been scheduled are also located in the same area.
Because the Governor of Banten hope soon to follow up with coordination with relevant parties and determined immediately clear assignment between national, local and Developer itself.
Travel Park development plan area of ​​200 HA Stone that this would be combined with the development plan Karian Dam , to the Governor of Banten asked to ASDA II Banten Regional Secretariat to conduct a review scheduled directly into the field ( roadshow ) either location plan and site plan Garden Stone Reservoir manufacture Karian .
Meanwhile, Director of PT . Grahayasa archipelago Estima - Myra Gunawan as the consultant said tourism development plan is also not free from the desire to empower the community and dig Non-Agricultural PAD .
Social Culture of Banten ProvinceIn Banten heritage are highly respected heritage , among others, the Great Mosque of Banten Lama , a sacred Tomb length , AL - Azhom Mosque and several other historical relics religious nuances . This historical background makes the majority of the population Bantam Islamic religious spirit is very strong with a high degree of tolerance . Most of society is Islam, but other religions can coexist peacefully . In a certain size , Banten could be one giant laboratory example of religious pluralism in Indonesia .
Social and cultural conditions Bantam characterized by the potential and uniqueness of community culture which is very varied, ranging from martial arts martial arts , whistle , rudat , umbruk , saman dance , mask dance , dance cokek , dog-dog , palingtung , and lojor . Almost all traditional art is very thick colored with Islamic ethics . There is also a traditional art which come from outside the city of Banten , but all of it has undergone a process of acculturation so impressed as traditional art Banten , for example, lumping horse art , tayuban , xylophone and dance kromong cokek . The language used Banten people especially those in the northern region of Serang Javanese language , while in the southern region using Sundanese language . However, local people are generally more likely to use Indonesian .
Banten province is also famous of the traditional society which still adhere to traditional customs , either way they dress and other lifestyle . They are known to the Bedouin tribes who live in the village Kanekes , Leuwidamar subdistrict , Lebak District . Baduy community settlements are generally located in river basins in the mountains Kendeng Ciujung .
Banten south , about 65 miles south of the capital of Banten Province . Government set Kendang Mountains heritage area covering 5101.85 ha in Kenekes as their residence . This area is known as the area of ​​the deposit of their ancestors to be maintained and guarded well , should not be tampered with , and should not be recognized as private property . The tribe has a history of high culture and famous Bantam prime tourist spot making both domestic and foreign , as well as the natural destination for scientific research activities .
Although the arts in Banten are manifold , Debus is the most popular art . This art was created in the 16th century , during the reign of Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin ( 1532-1570 ) . Islamic religion was introduced by Sunan Gunung Jati , one of the founders of the Sultanate of Cirebon in 1520 , in conjunction with the conquest expedition peacefulness of Sunda Kelapa . Then , when the power is held by the Sultan of Banten Ageng Tirtayasa (1651-1682) , Debus focused as a tool to evoke the spirit of the fighters against Dutch colonialism . Moreover , in the reign amid tensions with immigrants from Europe , especially the Dutch traders joined in Vereenigde Oost Indische Compagnie ( VOC ) .

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